Strong is Beautiful
You never realize how long a minute is until you start exercising! And my fit septuagenarian friend Denice oughta know. At 75, she is an example of how you are never too old to start weight training. This is a … Continued
You never realize how long a minute is until you start exercising! And my fit septuagenarian friend Denice oughta know. At 75, she is an example of how you are never too old to start weight training. This is a … Continued
It is a glorious sunny October day with the colours of fall showing off their natural beauty. It’s peaceful in the neighbourhood where my three month old grandson lives. He coos and gurgles at me with his edentulous smile as … Continued
It is like an unwanted companion, a spectre which is omnipresent in our lives. It haunts us as it taunts us, its grip on us is relentless and seemingly heartless. It just won’t leave us alone in our dotage and … Continued